Follow Me Down Page 8
I look up, meeting Titus’ stormy gray gaze and I swear it feels like the world around me slows and I’m suddenly hyperaware of everything. The sound of the water gently lapping around the dock. The sing song of birds as they chirp freely in the trees. The feel of the warm summer breeze on my bare back. The small specks of blue that pepper his eyes. The rapid beat of my heart as it pounds against my ribs.
I instinctively lean in, desperate to feel his lips on mine. And in this moment, I’m positive he wants it too. That is, until he steps back so quickly I nearly lose my footing and stumble forward.
“We should probably head back.” The words are out of his mouth before I have a chance to process what the hell just happened.
“Um, okay.” I try to mask my mortification of his rejection, though given the way he’s looking at me right now, I think it’s safe to say I’m not doing a very good job.
“You’re beautiful, Fallon. Fuck, you’re more than beautiful.” He runs a hand through his wet hair and blows out a heavy breath.
“Let me stop you there.” I hold my hands up in front of myself. “You don’t have to explain. I get it.” I turn, grabbing my dress off the dock before taking off toward the truck.
I’m a little hurt. Embarrassed. And honestly, kind of mad. I try to sort out which is most prominent as I fumble to get my dress back on, the semi-wet material sticking to my skin.
I’m already in the passenger seat when Titus finally makes his way back up to the truck. Thankfully, he’s fully clothed. Because apparently I have a self-control issue where he’s concerned.
What was I thinking? Leaning in to kiss him? Of course he isn’t interested in someone like me. Why would he be? He probably looks at me like I’m some stupid kid. And here I am, proving to him that’s exactly what I am.
Titus joins me in the truck. When he pulls the door shut, it feels like he seals all the tension inside the cab with us.
“Fallon.” He drops his hands to the top of the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white as he clenches it tightly. “I’m not a good guy.” His eyes swing to me, his steely gaze stealing my breath.
“I tried to kiss you. You clearly aren’t interested. Let’s not make it more weird than it already is, yeah?” I mumble out, feeling more foolish by the second.
“That’s just it. I was interested. I am interested.”
“You sure have a funny way of showing it.” I knot my hands in my lap and turn my head to look out the window. “Can we just go? Please.”
He lets out an audible sigh, before he jams his keys into the ignition and starts the truck. It rumbles to life, vibrating the seat beneath me.
Without another word, he drops the truck into gear and sets off back up the dirt road.
Chapter Nine
“There you are.” I turn right as Link steps over the fallen tree log I’m sitting on before taking the spot next to me. “I’ve been looking for you. If it weren’t for all your stuff still in the house, I might have thought you jumped ship.” He bumps his shoulder with mine.
“I’m just thinking.” I force a smile, dragging the tip of my shoe through the dirt.
“Thinking about what?” he asks, shifting toward me. “Titus, perhaps?”
“No,” I blurt way too quickly.
“Um, well I was only half kidding, but given your reaction I’m thinking maybe I hit the nail on the head.” I catch his grin in my peripheral vision. “You like him.” It’s a statement, not a question.
“I don’t even know him,” I counter.
“You don’t have to know everything about a person to know if you’re attracted to them.”
“Well, it doesn’t much matter.”
“And why is that?”
“Because he’s not attracted to me.” I turn to meet his gaze.
“Who told you that?”
“He did.”
“Okay, you’re going to have to give me more than that. What happened between you two? When you left, everything seemed fine. But when you came back, you barely said two words before you disappeared out here. Not to mention Titus has been in quite the mood since you guys got home.”
“What do you mean?” This peaks my interest. Though I’m not entirely sure why.
“He’s been locked in the shop all evening, music blaring. The only time he’s come out was to bum a cigarette off of me.”
“But he doesn’t smoke, does he?” I question. Last night, when Link pulled out the joint, Titus was uninterested before he knew it wasn’t a cigarette. Him smoking now doesn’t seem like his normal.
“On the rare occasion when something is stressing him, he will. So let me ask you again. What happened?”
“It’s stupid.” I kick my feet, feeling my earlier embarrassment return.
“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?” He gives me a reassuring smile, reminding me once again why I like him so much. I don’t think I’ve ever hit it off with someone quite as effortlessly as I have with Link. It’s refreshing, to feel like I can be myself in front of someone.
“I tried to kiss him,” I say so quickly the words jumble together.
“Come again?” Link’s smile spreads wider.
“You heard me.” I shove at his shoulder, knowing he caught what I said based on his expression.
“Wait, what do you mean you tried to kiss him?” He arches a brow.
“Just that. I got caught up in the moment, leaned in to kiss him, and he completely shut me down. I’m such an idiot.” I drop my face into my hands, letting out a laugh that sounds more like a sob.
“Hang on.” Link tugs at my hand, forcing me to look at him. “You tried to kiss him and he shot you down?”
“Pretty sure that’s what I just said.”
“Did he say anything to you after the fact?”
“Something about me being beautiful and some bullshit about him not being a good guy. Someone needs to give him lessons about letting a girl down easy because he’s shit at it.”
“Wow.” Link chuckles lightly to himself.
“Wow what?” I snip, annoyed that he thinks this is a laughing matter. I’m mortified, damn it. I need him to reassure me I don’t have a reason to be, not make it worse by finding humor in it.
“I think maybe you should talk to Titus.”
“Talk to him? I can barely look at him now.”
“If you think he didn’t kiss you because he didn’t want to, then you’re as blind as you are pretty.” He taps his finger on the tip of my nose as he stands.
“What?” I glance up at him, not trying to hide my confusion.
“I’m just saying, Titus is, well, complicated.” He nudges my foot with his. “My advice, just talk to him.”
“No offense, but your advice sucks,” I grunt, crossing my arms in front of myself.
“Good to know.” He drops his head back and lets out a full, hearty laugh. “But if you’re planning on staying here for a while longer, and I really hope you are, then maybe it’s better to clear the air now instead of letting this turn into a bigger issue than it needs to be. Now come on, puppet.” He extends a hand to me. “It’s getting late. Maybe we should head up to the house and figure out something for dinner.”
“Dinner?” I take his hand and allow him to pull me to my feet, thinking about all that he’s said. “What time is it?”
“After six.” He loops his arm through mine.
“Wow, I didn’t realize it was so late.” I match his stride as we head back up the worn-down path that leads out of the woods.
Having not ventured too far into the heavily wooded area, it doesn’t take us long to reach the clearing where the trees open up into the back of the property. The back yard is really quite small considering the massive amount of land that surrounds it. It’s like someone came in and cleared out just enough trees to drop the cabin and shop smack dab in the middle of the woods.
It's honestly the most peaceful place I’ve ever been. Nothing compared to the house I gr
ew up in, which was surrounded by other houses, or the Governor’s mansion for that matter, which we moved into when my father took office five years ago.
It’s strange, living somewhere that isn’t your home. Funny how I seem to find myself in that exact situation right now. Occupying a house that doesn’t belong to me. A visitor. An outsider. Someone who doesn’t quite belong. Seems to be the running theme of my life.
Link and I round the side of the shop right as the door swings open and Titus comes walking out. His steps falter when he spots us and I don’t miss the way his gaze momentarily drops to where I’m holding Link’s arm.
“Where the hell have you two been?” He turns, pulling open the second door of the building before making his way back inside.
“Went for a walk.” Link releases my arm and crosses to the open doorway. “You finish it?” he asks, stepping to the side when Titus reappears, pushing a sporty blue motorcycle with black trim. Kawasaki is printed along the side in bold lettering.
“How’s it look?” He keeps his attention focused on Link.
“Really fucking good, man. How’s it run?”
“We’re about to find out.”
“So then you’re going to let me take it for a spin?” Link bounces up on the balls of his feet like an excited little kid.
“Not a chance. I did all the work.” Link’s shoulders instantly sag as Titus’ gaze swings to mine. “What do you say, Fallon. You wanna go on a test drive with me?”
I go board stiff, a little taken aback by his invitation.
“What?” Link objects. “That’s not fair.” He huffs like he’s actually upset, but the smile he throws my way says otherwise.
“How many times in your life are you going to get the chance to ride a motorcycle like this one?” Titus ignores Link completely.
“Probably next to never,” I choke out after remembering how to speak.
“Exactly.” He pops down the kickstand and heads back into the shop.
“I knew that wouldn’t last long,” Link mutters under his breath so only I can hear him.
I lift a brow in question but he shakes his head and winks.
My attention goes back to Titus who reappears with two helmets.
“Here.” He extends one to me.
“Should I grab a jacket?” I ask, not sure how long of a ride we’re going to take. It’s hot as sin right now, but I learned the hard way how cool the night air can get when you have sixty mile-an-hour winds whipping around you.
“Nah. We won’t be gone but a few minutes.”
“Okay.” I wait until Titus climbs on the bike before carefully climbing on behind him.
“You two suck!” Link yells over the rumble of the engine as Titus fires it to life.
I slip on my helmet and secure it under my chin. Titus waits until my arms are around his middle before kicking up the stand and popping the bike into gear.
I give Link a little wave as we pull away from the shop and head down the driveway toward the road.
I have no idea why Titus invited me to join him. After today, I expected him to avoid me at all cost. Then again, he’s not like the immature assholes I usually find myself surrounded by. He’s older, more mature, and probably has very little care about the actions of a silly little girl like me. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that he’s able to let it go easily.
I wish I had the same ability. I’d love to erase it from my mind. I was having such a good time with him, even if I did almost get eaten by whatever flesh-eating monsters live in that dark lake. But then I had to go and ruin it.
I honestly don’t know what I was thinking...
But then my mind wanders back to what Link said about Titus being in a mood. Did that have something to do with me or was it frustration over trying to get this bike done?
I don’t have much time to think about it before my focus returns to the present. Once we reach the road, Titus accelerates so quickly that I almost lose my grip on him. Unlike his bike, this one has a thinner seat and doesn’t sit as comfortably for two.
I scoot in closer, hold onto him tighter, all the while telling myself it’s only to make me feel safer and not because I want to be close to him.
I think maybe both are true...
It’s strange. How different everything feels in the matter of a couple of days. And while I know that Titus and Link are still strangers to me, in so many ways I also feel like I’ve known both of them for years. There’s just this comfort there. This understanding. And despite everything that happened today, everything about this moment feels right.
Titus. The roar of the motorcycle. The wind in my face. The sun shining down on my shoulders and back through the thin material of my tank top.
I watch the world pass in a blur. Greens, browns, and blues all blending together as we speed down the curvy country road. It’s scary and exciting all in the same breath. Much like how being around Titus feels.
It isn’t long before we find ourselves back at the cabin, and as disappointed as I am that we weren’t gone longer, it doesn’t negate what an absolute rush it was.
Titus guides the motorcycle back to the mouth of the shop and kills the engine, knocking down the kickstand before waiting for me to climb off. Unlike the first time I was on a bike with him, I don’t have to wait for him to help me. I push up and toss my leg over the seat, using Titus’ shoulders to keep me steady as I carefully lower myself to the ground.
“Well, what did you think?” Titus slides off the seat, lifting off his helmet.
“Are you kidding me? That was incredible.” I smile, the rush of adrenaline still fresh in my veins.
Pulling off my helmet, I hand it to him, not missing the zing that runs all the way up my arm when our fingers brush.
Dear lord, what is it about this man?
“Yeah, it was, wasn’t it?” He turns without waiting for me to respond.
When he heads into the shop to put the helmets away, I run my hands through my hair, trying to tame my mess of curls as I work to tie it up away from my face using a hair tie from my wrist.
I’ve just secured it into a low pony when Titus returns.
“So, is the owner coming to get this tomorrow?” I gesture to the bike still sitting in the driveway.
“Yeah. It’ll need to be washed and detailed before he gets here, but I wanted to make sure it handled on the road okay before I put on the finishing touches.” He gives the motorcycle a long look. “Come here.” He gestures toward the shop. “Let me show you something.”
“Okay.” I nod, following him inside.
He leads me to the back where a thick cloth tarp covers what I assume is another bike. Grabbing the corner, he throws back the cover, revealing an old and rusted motorcycle. It looks like it’s been sitting outside in the elements for the better part of fifty years.
“Is this the bike you were telling Link about earlier?” I ask.
“Yep.” He nods. “The guy dropped it off while we were out.”
“Seems like it’s in pretty rough shape. You sure you can fix it?” I turn my head, meeting his gaze.
“You should’ve seen the Kawasaki before I started on it. Made this one look like a gem.”
He nods, turning his attention back to the rusted pile of metal in front of him. “Compared to that one, this one will be a breeze. Well, hoping I can find all the parts I need.”
We stand there for a full minute, neither of us saying a word. This weird static pings in the air around us. It’s the oddest sensation. How I can be so at ease yet so uncomfortable with a person at the same time.
“Well, I guess I should get out of your way.” I shuffle my feet against the oil stained concrete floor.
“Wait.” Titus reaches out and grabs my arm before I have a chance to move.
When his intense gray eyes meet mine I swear my entire stomach bottoms out.
There’s something in his gaze. Something in the way he’s looking at me that makes ever
y tiny hair on my body stand straight up.
And then it happens.
One minute, he’s staring at me, indecision written all over his face. And the next, his face is close to mine, his breath warm on my cheeks.
I suck in a sharp inhale; certain my heart is going to explode out of my chest at any moment.
And when his lips crash down on mine, I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what happens.
Chapter Ten
I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. My mind is screaming for me to stop, to let her go. But my body has no intention of doing so. I tug her closer, kiss her deeper, grind my arousal against her abdomen to make sure she knows exactly what it is that she’s doing to me.
I may have been able to resist the temptation earlier today but having her pressed against me on that bike obliterated my already waning will power.
I know this is a bad idea.
I know that she deserves so much better than me.
But fuck it. Now that I’ve tasted her, felt her whimper against my lips, felt her tremble beneath my touch, there’s no going back.
She’s mine now, whether she realizes it or not.
Tangling one hand in her messy ponytail, I wrap the other around her back. I slowly maneuver her toward the corner of the workshop, my lips never leaving hers.
“Titus.” My name sounds like fucking velvet on her lips as I grab her hips and hoist her onto the workbench attached to the back wall, putting her eye level with me.
I trail my tongue along her bottom lip before sucking it into my mouth. My fingers find the hem of her tank top, and tug upward. She pulls back just enough to let me slide the material over her head before her mouth finds mine again.
I feel crazed. Unhinged. Completely fucking desperate. She’s all I can see. All I can taste. All I can feel. And fuck, do I want to feel so much more of her.
This is the thought that fuels me. The thought that drives me. The thought that consumes me.
I need more...
My fingers skim the band of her jersey shorts and her breath hitches against my mouth. My cock throbs in my pants, pressing painfully against the restrictive material of my jeans.