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- Melissa Toppen
Follow Me Down Page 5
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Page 5
“But that didn’t stop me from dreaming about it. I guess now it kind of does seem a little silly to want it as a profession.”
“It doesn’t sound silly to me at all. If you love it, do it. That’s what I did. Sure, maybe restoring bikes won’t make me millions, but if you ask me, money only complicates things. I make enough to give me all I need. I’d rather do something I love and live an average life, than do something I hate in order to live a lavish one.”
We sit in silence as I think over his statement.
“Come on.” He drops the sketchpad onto the bed between us. “Link ran out to pick up pizza. You must be hungry.”
“You have a pizza place out here?”
“It’s a little mom and pop shop in town. They make a killer pizza though.” He pushes to a stand, peeling his shirt over his head.
I swear, I think I forgot how to breathe. I knew he had a nice body, that much is clear just by looking at him, but I didn’t expect him to be quite so... perfect.
He’s lean and toned with the right amount of muscle definition. My eyes slide from his broad shoulders down to his ink covered chest and abdomen. My god, this man is dangerous in more ways than one.
“I’m going to hop in the shower and get changed. Link should be back any minute if you want to head out into the living room.”
It takes me a second to realize he’s waiting for me to leave.
“Oh, yeah.” I scurry to my feet and quickly head for the door, careful not to look back at him as I exit the room.
The shower kicks on as I make my way down the hallway. I can’t stop my mind from envisioning what the rest of him looks like without clothes on. I imagine thick, muscular thighs, and...
I immediately shake the thought away. It’s difficult enough to keep my thoughts in order when I’m around Titus. If I start imagining him naked, I may never be able to look at him again without turning every shade of red under the sun.
Needing something to distract me, I veer toward the kitchen, tugging the refrigerator open when I reach it. Browsing the shelves, my gaze lands on a case of beer on the bottom shelf. I hesitate for a moment before grabbing one. After twisting off the cap, I take a long pull.
The cold liquid is bitter on my tongue but that doesn’t stop me from taking another long gulp.
I’ve never been much of a drinker. Sure, I’ve had one or two at a party and every now and again I was able to sneak a glass of champagne at one of my father’s events, but I can’t say I’ve ever been downright drunk. Not that I plan to get drunk. I just need something to take the edge off. Something to take my mind off the fear and uncertainty sitting on top of my shoulders like a thousand-pound weight.
I lift the bottle to my lips and take another swig, knocking the fridge shut with my hip right as the screen door opens, the hinges creaking against the action.
I turn to see Link enter the cabin; two pizza boxes balanced in one arm. His eyes meet mine before they dip to the beer bottle in my hand, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Sorry,” I say before he has a chance to speak. “I didn’t think you’d mind if I stole one.”
“Oh, I don’t.” He chuckles, crossing the room toward me, and depositing the pizzas on top of the counter seconds later. “I’m just a little surprised is all. I didn’t have you pegged as a beer drinker. Or a drinker at all for that matter.”
“I’m not.” I shrug. “Just needed something to take the edge off.”
“Well, by all means, help yourself to however many you want.” He passes me, pulling open the fridge to retrieve a beer for himself. “Where’s Titus?” he asks, twisting off the cap of the bottle before tossing it into the trashcan.
“Shower.” I press my back against the counter and cross one foot over the other.
“And you’re not in there with him?” He quirks a brow.
“Um, no.” My voice goes up an octave. “I don’t know what impression I’ve given you, but I am not that kind of girl.”
“Relax.” He laughs. “I’m just kidding.”
Of course he is.
I really need to learn to read people better. Then again, I don’t know him well enough to be able to read him. For all I knew he was being serious.
It’s not so much what he said that has my cheeks heating pink, but more about the fact that just minutes ago I was thinking about being in the shower with Titus...
“I know.” I lift the beer bottle to my lips and take a drink in an effort to mask my slight overreaction.
“I wasn’t sure what you liked.” Link walks over to the pizza and pops open the top box. “So I got pepperoni and a meat lovers.” He pulls out a slice and tears off a bite with his teeth.
“Either is fine.” I take another drink.
“Plates are in the cabinet over there.” He cocks his head toward a row of cabinets along the back wall of the kitchen.
“You need one?” I ask, crossing the small space.
“Nah. Plates are for pussies.” He smiles when my wide-eyed gaze swings back to him.
“Is that your way of calling me a pussy?” I flip my hair, turning back to open the first cabinet door.
“Next one over,” he instructs. I close the first cabinet and open the second, opting to grab a small plate rather than a large dinner one. “And, if the shoe fits,” he quickly adds.
“I’m going to pretend like you didn’t just insult me.” I turn around.
“No insult, puppet. Most people are pussies.”
“Well you don’t know me very well, so maybe it’s a little early to make that assumption.” I sit the plate on the counter and grab a slice of pepperoni pizza from the open box. “I think you’d be surprised how adventurous I can be.” I drop my slice onto the plate and push the box closed.
“Well, you did hop on the back of a stranger’s motorcycle.” He pauses as he seems to think for a moment. “Then again, I’m not sure if that makes you adventurous or just plain stupid.”
“Let’s go with the former.” I smile when Link drops his head back on a laugh.
“Care to prove it?” He smirks, shoving another bite into his mouth.
“And how would I do that?” I drop a hand to my hip, trying to act braver than I am.
“Well for starters, you can finish off that beer and grab another.”
“That’s it?” I giggle, lifting the bottle to my lips before sucking back the remainder of the contents. Without a word, I head to the refrigerator and pull out another beer before once again knocking the door closed with my hip. Twisting off the cap, I toss it directly at Link. “There. Happy now?”
“It’s a start.” He shrugs unimpressed. “But the night is young.”
“What are you two in here going on about?” I jump at the sound of Titus’ voice, having not heard him enter the room.
“Oh nothing.” Link winks at me before pushing away from the counter. He grabs the top pizza box in one hand, his beer clenched in the other, and then saunters off into the living room.
My gaze swings to Titus as he enters the kitchen area. His hair is damp from the shower and he’s wearing a gray tee and black athletic shorts that hang low on his hips. I swear, he’s downright edible.
Like Link, when he catches sight of the beer in my hand he seems a little surprised.
“I hope you don’t mind. I kind of helped myself.”
“Not at all.” He steps up next to me and snags the beer out of my hand. I watch, completely captivated, as he lifts the bottle to his lips and kills half the contents in one quick pull. “Mmm.” The sound rumbles from the back of his throat.
“By all means, have some,” I tease. My stomach does a full somersault when he hits me with an amused smile, his teeth so white I swear I can almost see my reflection in them.
“Don’t mind if I do.” He proceeds to drink the rest of the beer.
“Rude.” I balk, crossing my arms in front of myself.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get you another.” With that, he spins around and heads to
the fridge.
“Come on, puppet, pizza is to be eaten in the living room,” Link calls from the couch as he flips on the television, pulling my attention away from Titus’ backside as he leans over and retrieves two more beers.
“I’m coming.” I grab my plate off the counter and head into the living room, opting to take the floor next to the coffee table rather than a spot on the couch.
“What the hell are you doing down there?” Titus drops the second pizza onto the table before handing me a new beer.
“I like having a table in front of me,” I say in a way of explanation.
Titus slides down onto the opposite side of the couch as Link, which given where I’m sitting, puts him almost right on top of me. Not that I mind.
I turn my attention to the T.V., which is playing an episode of Family Guy. I’ve maybe seen an episode or two of this show before, but to be fair, I’m not much of a television person.
I make it through my first slice of pizza before helping myself to a second, managing to drink another entire beer in the process.
It feels good. This simplicity. Just sitting around, eating pizza, and drinking beer.
“You want another?” Titus snags my empty bottle off the table as he stands.
“Sure.” I look up at him, mesmerized by the sight.
Lord, what is wrong with me?
“Will you get me one too?” Link hollers over his shoulder as Titus reaches the kitchen.
“Get up and get it yourself,” Titus bites back.
“Now that’s not a very nice way to talk to the man holding this, now is it?” We both look in his direction as he pops open his cigarette pack and pulls one out.
“Why the fuck would I want that?” Titus sets two beers on the counter and twists off the caps.
“Maybe you should look a little closer.” Link waves the cigarette in the air.
“Is that a...” I start to ask but lock my mouth shut.
“A joint,” Link finishes my thought. “Why yes, puppet, it is. And while we’re on the topic, weren’t we just discussing how adventurous you claim to be.” With that, he lights it and takes a deep inhale. “You want a hit?” he asks, smoke filtering out through his lips as he speaks.
“Cut it out, Link.” Titus hands me a fresh beer before reclaiming his seat behind me. “She’s not the type.”
For some reason his statement irks me and I find my head swinging in his direction.
“How do you know I’m not the type?” My voice is laced with more attitude than I intended.
True, I’ve never smoked marijuana before, but for him to assume I don’t want to makes me want to if for no other reason than to prove him wrong. Which I realize makes absolutely no sense.
“Ooohhhh.” Link slaps his leg as laughter rumbles through him. “She done told you.”
“Have you ever done this before?” Titus swipes the joint from Link’s hand and leans forward, holding it inches in front of my face.
“No,” I admit.
“That’s what I thought.” He leans back and takes a long draw.
“What? Just because I haven’t done it before means I can’t try it now?” I argue at his flawed logic.
“She wants to try it, Titus. Let her,” Link chimes in.
“Yeah, let me.” I push up onto my knees and reach for the joint which Titus holds just out of my grasp.
“Are you sure?” His eyes narrow into slits.
“Oh my god, it’s just weed. Let me have it.” I sigh audibly, my courage fueled by the slight buzz of alcohol swimming in my veins.
“Fine,” he finally concedes, handing me the joint.
I’ve never smoked anything before, but by the looks of it, it doesn’t seem too difficult. I put it between my lips and pull in a deep breath. The instant the smoke hits my lungs they protest the intake. I pull the joint away, doing my best not to cough. It doesn’t do me much good because seconds later I break into a coughing fit.
Link laughs, but Titus doesn’t seem to find it a little bit amusing. If I wasn’t so preoccupied with not trying to cough up a lung I might wonder why that is.
“Give me that.” Titus grabs the joint from my hand.
“You need to relax, T.” Link chuckles. “She’s a big girl.”
I look up just in time to see Titus throw Link a warning glare.
“It’s fine,” I manage to choke out as my lungs seem to settle. Reaching for my beer, I take a drink, the cold liquid soothing my now raw throat. “Let me have another.” I gesture to the joint clenched between Titus’ fingers.
“Fallon.” My name sounds like heaven on his lips and all I want to do is hear him say it over and over again.
“Just one more.” I reach up and take the joint back, bringing it to my lips before he can protest.
I take another deep inhale, the burn no better the second time around. However, this time I manage to hold it in a lot longer and only cough once as I blow it out.
“Well I’ll be damned. Look at that. She’s a pro already.” Link beams at me.
I smile, my entire body seeming to relax as the weed starts to take effect.
Chapter Six
“What’s your deal tonight?” Link asks as I slide the leftover pizza into the fridge.
“I don’t have a deal.” I grunt, keeping my voice low as to not wake Fallon. She dozed off in the middle of some stupid comedy Link insisted we watch. Honestly, after six beers and two hits off a joint, I’m surprised she lasted as long as she did.
“Seriously?” He hits me with a disbelieving look as I turn toward where he’s leaning against the kitchen counter. “You’ve had a massive stick up your ass all fucking night.”
“No I haven’t.” I empty the remainder of my third beer into the sink before dropping the empty bottle into the trash.
“Yes, you have. You were policing that poor girl all night.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” I sigh, too tired to deal with his melodrama right now. It’s been a long fucking day.
“Since when do you give a shit if someone smokes some weed or has a few drinks? If I remember right, most of the girls you’ve brought home over the years are usually stumbling by the time they get here.”
“That’s different.”
“Different how?”
“Because I want one thing from them and they want one thing from me and we both know what it is going into it. But her.” I point into the living room. “She’s not some random girl I brought home to fuck. She’s different. And she needs our help. Pumping her full of alcohol and drugs isn’t the way to do that.”
“No but giving her the ability to let loose a little certainly doesn’t hurt.” He looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “What the fuck is it with you and this girl? Don’t tell me you’re growing soft on her?”
“Fuck you, Link.” I spin on my heel and quietly make my way into the living room.
Sliding one arm under Fallon’s neck, I hook the other under her legs and easily lift her from the couch.
“You have.” Link follows after me. “You like her,” he accuses.
“Would you shut the fuck up?” I hiss over my shoulder as I make my way down the hallway.
“Holy fuck. You do,” he whisper yells.
Ignoring my friend, I kick open my bedroom door and cross the room, depositing Fallon onto the bed the moment I reach it.
She mumbles something incoherently and rolls onto her side, her mess of blonde curls splayed out across the pillow. I have to physically restrain myself from climbing into the bed next to her.
Earlier today I was pissed at Link for telling her she could stay, for putting me in the position to allow her to. But now I find myself dreading her inevitable departure.
Fuck. How drastically things can change in the matter of just a few short hours.
Truth be told, it’s taken every fucking ounce of will power I could muster today to keep her at arm’s length. I never deny myself the simple pleasures a woman
can offer, and there were a couple of times today that she looked at me and I damn near caved. But, like I told Link, she’s different. Good. Way too damn good for me, that’s for sure.
Black sheep. Troubled past. A family who doesn’t even speak to me. I think it’s safe to say I am not the kind of guy anyone should get mixed up with. Especially not someone as innocent as her.
I’d break her. Of that I am absolutely certain.
Grabbing the comforter, I pull it up over her small frame. And to not add any fuel to Link’s ridiculous accusation, I don’t linger.
I quietly slip out of the room and pull the door shut behind me, nearly clocking Link in the face when he suddenly appears in front of me.
“Titus and Fallon sittin’ in a tree,” he starts to chant like the five-year-old that he is.
“Really fucking mature. Now will you get the fuck out of my way? It’s been a long day and I really need to try to get some sleep.” I shove my way past him.
“Not until you admit you like her.” He follows me into the living room. “Honestly, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if you actually did. You’ve spent years cutting yourself off from the rest of the world. I think maybe you need her just as much, if not more, than she needs you.”
“Fucking hell, Link,” I grumble, grabbing a spare blanket and pillow out of the closet before dropping them onto the couch.
I don’t relish the idea of sleeping on this lumpy old thing again but giving Fallon my bed seems like the right thing to do. I may be a fucker, but I’m not a complete asshole.
“I wouldn’t blame you if you did, you know?” Link falls serious. “She’s a great girl. And damn.” He bites his fist. “She is gorgeous.”
I can’t fight him on that. She really is beautiful.
“She’s also a complete stranger,” I remind him and myself. “I know next to nothing about her.”
“Since when has that stopped you?”
“Fuck this.” I collapse down onto the couch. “If you want to stand there and keep spouting bullshit, be my guest, but I’m going to sleep. Enjoy listening to yourself talk.”
With that, I roll over and toss the blanket over my head. Seconds later, I hear Link stomp down the hall toward his room.